Sunday, October 7, 2012

Signs and Seasons

The summer harvest had been over, the final remnants of flavor blown away by the gusting winds of Hurricane Isaac.   What he left behind was tattered plants, glad for the escape, yet grasping and clinging to life, hoping to pull through and carry on the intended fruit of their labor.

So it was that we entered into the fall.  Crisping days more frequent; a slower pace and purpose for all things green.

A photo journal of the past few weeks speaks for itself of the new solstice upon us.

Heirloom variety Boston Marrow pumpkin:  a full flavored winter squash used by settlers arriving in the new world.

Early Wakefield Cabbage, getting it's glory on.

Finally!  Success with Cilantro this season.  Ah!  Bliss!

A small, but tasty kohlrabi.  This winter's offering include a purple variety.

Our first foray into the world of lima beans.  Wish us luck!  

A new methodology, an experiment, based on previous results in this area.